Norfolk Home Learning
From small beginnings to great success
Authors - Let's Get You Published!
Most people keep their stories or knowledge locked away in their heads. Congratulations if you've put pen to paper or finger to keyboard!

If progress is slow due to work or family we'd recommend our feedback service, which lets you share new chapters with us at your personal pace. It's a sort of you-shaped writing course!
If you're ready to find a publisher we can help you to make your book 'publisher perfect.' Our tips and tweaks did the trick for the smiling writer below: her first biography promptly appeared in print editions and Korean spoken word translation! Fresh eyes see fresh options!

'How impressed I've been with all your insights,'
wrote another debut author after seeking my help with her children's novel.
On hand to help is my son the novelist Robin Triggs, author of Night Shift and Human Resources (published by Flame Tree) and a copy editing and proofreading expert.
Whether it's giving you joy or frustration we'd love to sample your manuscript. We'll give you some feedback free of charge and discuss what further help you might like.
Please email us (with attachments if you wish) at top.note@yahoo.co.uk or contact us via the form below.
Tony D Triggs